Wishing Brittany a wonderful birthday

DSC09592This beautiful young lady has blessed our lives. She joined our family a little over 2 years ago when she and Patch started dating. She has been a joy ever since. The daughter we didn’t have. The perfect time to get a daughter, after the growing up years.

I always thought I wanted 1 boy and 1 girl to have the perfect family. Then Patch was born making boy number 2 and no girl. I didn’t realize how perfect two boys would be until one day I had a girls’ day while Bruce, the boys and a friend and his sons went golfing. In order for the guys to have a day it required me to babysit our friends little girls. I was delighted. So I thought. Then it came time to go to dance lessons. Ever try putting a pair of tights on a wet noodle. Then brush hair and make it pretty on a princess who would rather play in the dirt. That day, I was so glad I had two boys. One day of that was about all I could take. Then Brittany came along, she can dress herself and do her own hair. But now we have girl days and do what girls do best, whatever we want.

I learned that God always does answer prayers, just maybe not in our time frame or how we want but He answers them how He knows is best for us. I didn’t always know this and I don’t always like it but I have learned that it is best.

Happy birthday to our princess. Hope your day is as wonderful as you are. When I get back from this adventure we will have another girls day.


Emily M. Leonard

About Emily M. Leonard

I am a 50 year old Maine native and lover of the outdoors. Former Physical Education teacher and soccer coach. I am Married to the best husband ever and gave up teaching and coaching to raise our two wonderful sons. I have always enjoyed being outside and on the go.